Defense Strategies Institute is proud to announce the 10th Annual Space Resiliency Summit. This year’s Summit will bring together senior leaders from across the US space enterprise to discuss US efforts to ensure the resiliency of critical assets against both traditional and non-kinetic attacks.
Today, US forces and allies rely on a secure space infrastructure for communications, ballistic missile tracking, and other mission critical capabilities vital to national security. DoD’s push for resilience is part of a multifaceted strategy of “competitive endurance” to deter and combat adversaries. DSI’s Summit will provide a forum to engage in an open dialogue current and future initiatives, meet with and hear from partner organizations, disseminate vital capability requirements to industry, and increase visibility within the larger community.
Attendees at the 2023 Space Resiliency Summit will hear directly from leaders across the DoD, Federal Government, and Industry about the technologies and policies necessary to support a modern and resilient space architecture and to assure US space dominance in the years to come.
Topics to be covered at the 2023 Summit:
- Competitive Endurance: Ensuring Sustainable US Space Domain Superiority
- Driving Change in Satellite and Space System Procurement to Enhance Space Cybersecurity & Resiliency
- Achieving Space Domain Dominance through Advanced Cybersecurity Capabilities
- Safeguarding U.S. Space Systems from Harm to Avoid Disruption of Critical Space Capabilities
- Defending US and Allied Freedom of Action in Space Domain Operations
- Strengthening Space Mission Performance through Responsive & Agile Cybersecurity
Active Duty Military and Government: | $0.00 |
Standard Registration: Non-Profit/Academia/FFRDC: | $790.00 |
Standard Registration: Industry & Contractor: | $1290.00 |