For government agencies, case management – delivering services to people and businesses – is the heart of their mission. In almost all cases, however, case management systems have gotten more complicated, more difficult to manage, and more expensive. Agencies today depend on legacy, siloed systems that have changed through kludges, “an ill-assorted collection of parts assembled to fulfill a particular purpose.” Rip-and-replace is almost never a viable option because agencies can’t afford the cost, clients can’t afford the risk of downtime, and the chances of a completely new system failing to meet requirements can be very high (think the first iteration of the Healthcare Marketplace).
Case-management-as-a-service (CMaaS) is another approach to modernizing case management systems. It takes a stakeholder-centric starting point: prioritizing the needs and interests of the service recipients and empowering agency employees whose work environments will be improved. Applying case management as-a-service is a way for agencies to make the changes they want and build in the flexibility, scalability and cost avoidance they need.
Join us as thought leaders from government and industry discuss how CMaaS can improve processes and outcomes for their stakeholders.
Learning Objectives:
- Identify the specific elements of your agency’s case management requirements, such as the type and volume of cases
- Understand the attributes of a successful case management system, including factors such as ease of use, scalability, and intergration with other agency systems
- Outline the steps that cases go through for delivery of services, from indtake to closure
- Delineate the metrics to measure inprovement in case management performance, including factors such as response times and satisfaction rates
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