Distinguished Speaker Series: Dennis Wilder on Stabilizing U.S.-China Relations

U.S.-China relations have entered the most difficult period since bilateral normalization in the 1970s. Security and trade tensions remain unresolved, high-level dialogues are infrequent, and differences over the war in Ukraine are adding an additional strain to bilateral ties. Even so, a series of recent dialogues indicate the potential for a thaw in relations prior to Chinese President Xi Jinping’s possible visit to the United States for the Asia Pacific Economic Conference in November 2023. What is driving tensions in U.S.-China relations? How can Washington and Beijing stabilize the relationship? Can China and the United States establish a sustainable framework for managing bilateral competition in the 21st century?

Paul Haenle will sit down with Dennis Wilder to examine current challenges in U.S.-China relations. This discussion is the third of Carnegie China’s 2022 Distinguished Speakers Series and will also be recorded and published as a China in the World podcast.

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