Meeting the Requirements of a Mixed IT Environment

Beginning in the 1990s, as computer applications became commonplace and every worker was issued a desktop unit, agencies slowly recognized that custom hardware and software, such as mainframes with unique software, were doomed – they were too complex and expensive to develop or maintain, and they couldn’t incorporate technological changes.

Because the agencies were slow to adapt to this rapidly changing IT environment, they built up IT debt, the cost of shutting down legacy systems and replacing them with modern technology. Most government IT policy initiatives have been directed toward cutting that debt, whether it’s called IT modernization or digital transformation.

But the push toward standardization has to allow room for the vast differences in users’ requirements. A Department of Energy scientist trying to model how a nuclear explosion unfolds has very different needs than a Department of Commerce economist developing scenarios for changes in interest rates, for example. And millennials joining the government have different expectations for their user experiences than older employees who have lived through the evolving work environment.

Join us as thought leaders in government and industry discuss the intricacies of supporting an IT environment that incorporates both Windows and Apple operating systems, balancing the benefits of standardization with meeting users’ needs, and incorporates Apple’s built-in security into an agency’s full cybersecurity profile.

We’ll Discuss:

  • Identify the types of job requirements that justify multiple types of computers and operating systems
  • Define the benefits unique to an Apple OS environment, such as integration between iPhones and desktop Macs
  • Delineate the impact, from additional maintenance and training costs to network challenges, in delivering a multi-OS environment
  • Review the metrics that can measure the benefits of a multi-OS environment, including productivity and job satisfaction
  • Evaluate the effects of a multi-OS workplace on implementing required federal policies, such as cybersecurity, zero trust, and cloud computing

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