North Africa stands at a crossroads marked by a dynamic interplay of challenges and opportunities. Bordered by the Mediterranean and Sub-Saharan Africa, North Africa serves as a pivotal nexus between Europe and the Middle East, shaping regional dynamics and global agendas. Amidst this backdrop, North Africa emerges as a critical player in the global energy transition. Endowed with abundant solar resources and witnessing a surge in investments in solar infrastructure, the region holds the key to unlocking sustainable energy solutions. The European Union’s ambition to transition towards renewable energy sources aligns seamlessly with North Africa’s solar potential, offering a promising avenue to reduce dependency on traditional fossil fuels and mitigate geopolitical risks associated with energy imports, notably from Russia.
Join the North Africa Program for an online discussion with Deputy Assistant Secretary (DAS) Joshua Harris on March 21 at 2:00 PM EST. DAS Harris will provide a platform to delve into the United States’ strategic outlook on North Africa, exploring its stance on ongoing conflicts and the implications for US interests. The conversation aims to explore avenues for collaboration in harnessing North Africa’s vast natural resources, particularly its solar energy reserves, to foster sustainable development and bolster regional stability.