Powering Innovation Through Technology, 5G: Transforming Government Operations for the Digital Age

The spread of 5G – fifth-generation mobile communications – across all levels of government is being accelerated by its usefulness in high-speed data transmissions and flexibility in customizing network applications. And the range of applications by government agencies made possible by 5G may only be limited by one’s imagination.


Some of the innovations supported by this wireless standard were born out of necessity – at the height of the pandemic, for instance, many covid-19 testing sites were located outdoors and health professionals needed to be able to transmit large volumes of data to a health department. Others came about as the concept of edge computing moved to new disciplines and professions. In the military, faster speeds and lower latency speed up decision-making and improve operational awareness, while streamlining warehousing and logistics chains.


New standards, such as open radio access networks (O-RAN), are just emerging, bringing even more potential capabilities to market. And citizens band radio services (CBRS), the mid-range shared spectrum allocation that enables private LTE networks and enhanced 4G and 5G services, offers higher security than commercial carriers, lower upfront costs and significantly lower operating costs, also has the high performance and low latency that enables automation.



Join us at this live, half-day event as thought leaders from government and industry discuss the ways that agencies at all levels – federal, state, local, tribal and territorial – are reimagining their use of 5G technology to empower their employees and their citizens to make better decisions faster than ever.


Learning Objectives

  • Review the role of 5G in expanding the use of innovative technologies, such as the Internet of Things, edge computing, and AI/machine learning
  • Identify the tangible benefits of moving to 5G; how much network capacity increases, how fast data volumes will move, etc.
  • Delineate metrics for measuring potential cost savings through the use of 5G solutions
  • Understand 5G’s main attributes – speed, capacity for data, low latency – and how they can contribute to military preparedness
  • Identify how military processes such as logistics and training will be improved by providing 5G capabilities, through greater efficiencies, better supply routing, and more
  • Define metrics that will measure the impact of 5G on day-to-day military operations
  • Define what an open radio access network is and how it can incorporate different kinds of communications seamlessly
  • Review the role of the CHIPS Act in funding O-RAN creation, testing and distribution
  • Identify opportunities for small companies to innovate through O-RAN

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