Rewiring the U.S.-Africa Tech Landscape: An Annual Review of the Digital Transformation with Africa Initiative

During the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit, the Biden administration unveiled a “signature initiative” with the launch of the Digital Transformation With Africa (DTA) program. With financial commitments of over $350 million in investment and $450 million more in financing facilitation, DTA aims to close the digital gap in Africa through investment across three core areas: the digital economy and infrastructure, human capital development, and the digital enabling environment.

One year later, how much progress has been made toward realizing the initiative’s aims? What projects have the United States government launched as part of DTA? What lessons or new ways of thinking have emerged over the course of DTA’s implementation? What are the opportunities for investment by the private sector to effectively engage with DTA?

Join the Carnegie Africa Program to examine progress in the implementation of DTA.

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