Accelerate(her) presents: Stepping Up – Strategies for Success as a First-Time Manager

Are you a first-time manager that wants to become a confident and competent leader that your team loves to work for?

Then this webinar is for you! The biggest transition in most people’s careers is when they go from being an individual contributor to being a manager for the first time. Yet, this is often when the least amount of training is provided to employees. Ramona will be uncovering the most common misconceptions about leadership that new managers need to know about and she will shed light on the key factors that differentiate the managers who succeed from those who fail (note: according to Gartner, 60% of new managers fail in the first 2 years on the job). You will also learn the mental shifts new managers need to make so that you can become a well-equipped leader who builds an engaged, inclusive, and high-performing team.You don’t want to miss this event if you want to learn:

  • how to lead effectively from the start even when managing former peers or people with more experience,
  • the biggest and most common mistakes newly promoted managers make,
  • why is it important to practice self-leadership when starting your first-time manager role,
  • the 4 mental shifts new managers need to make to successfully transition from a high-performing individual contributor into a confident and competent first-time manager, and
  • how to build your Leadership System, your set of habits and practices that turn you from a reactive, fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants type of leader to a proactive, prepared, and confident leader.

WIT Members:  $0.00
Non-Members:  $25.00

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