The Canceling of the American Mind:

Many have expressed alarm over the rapid rise of cancel culture. The Canceling of the American Mind is the first book to codify it and survey its effects. Following the best‐​selling The Coddling of the American Mind, this new book looks at the topic with hard data and research on what cancel culture is and how it works, […]

Old Right, New Right?

Old Right, New Right? What History Suggests about the Future of GOP Foreign Policy The Republican Party is engaged in a more vigorous debate over foreign policy than it has been for decades. On one side is an old guard that sees no need to prioritize among threats, viewing all dangers as linked, so that facing […]


Through the intimate lens of six focus groups across three American cities, the film UNDIVIDE US explores the twisted landscape of toxic polarization, revealing how it drives us to fundamentally un‐​American places. Yet, within these divisions, the film uncovers the potential for healing conversation and the rediscovery of the value of local community, mutual respect, and democracy. […]

The Case for Shareholder Capitalism

At its essence, shareholder capitalism is a means for mutually beneficial trade. It fosters specialization, fuels innovation, and propels economic growth. While shareholder capitalism is a central theme in Finance 101 courses, it is increasingly criticized, especially with the popularization of sustainability, ESG investing, and stakeholder capitalism. In this engaging new book, author David McLean, the William […]

A Conversation with Dr. Ngozi Okonjo‐​Iweala

For nearly 30 years, the World Trade Organization (WTO) has been the bedrock of the global trading system, serving as a negotiating forum for its 164 members, providing a system for resolving trade disputes, and acting as an essential clearinghouse for trade‐​related information. Over three‐​quarters of cross‐​border trade is carried out based on members’ WTO commitments, fostering an […]

Cato Institute Reception

Please join the Cato Institute at a cocktail reception featuring a keynote conversation with Andy Kessler and Jennifer Huddleston. 5:00 PM Reception5:45 PM Welcoming Remarks Andy is a former hedge fund manager, New York Times bestselling author of Running Money, and the author of Inside View, a column he writes for The Wall Street Journal. Considered an expert in technology and the policy culture of Silicon Valley, Andy […]

Showcasing Education Entrepreneurs

Educational freedom is gaining ground throughout the country. In 32 states plus Washington, DC, and Puerto Rico, many families can use school choice programs to select the learning environment that works best for their children. At least ten states are on the path to offering universal or nearly universal access to these programs. But challenges […]

The Resurgence of Argentina’s Classical Liberal Tradition

Classical liberal thought in Argentina goes back to the 19th century. It inspired the constitution of 1853 under which Argentina became one of the richest countries in the world until the early 20th century. Alberto Benegas Lynch, Jr.—whom newly elected President Javier Milei frequently refers to as a mentor and a national hero because of his scholarship […]

Cato Club Naples Reception

For more information on this seminar, please contact Jenna Huhn at (202) 417.1081 / jhuhn@​cato.​org

Tear Down This Wall:

The COVID-19 pandemic made the public more aware of the benefits of telehealth technology. However, most states prohibit patients from accessing telehealth services from out‐​of‐​state clinicians unless those providers obtain licenses from the states where the patients reside. Many patients seeking the expertise of renowned out‐​of‐​state clinicians drive to “telemedicine parking lots” in states where […]

The NetChoice Cases and the Future of Online Speech

On February 26, the Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in the cases of Moody v. NetChoice and NetChoice v. Paxton. These cases are likely to have a significant impact on the future of free speech online and the way platforms engage in online content moderation. With the oral arguments fresh in mind, this multipanel event will feature a fireside […]

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