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Centers of Progress: 40 Cities That Changed the World

October 2, 2023 @ 4:00 pm 5:00 pm

There is no question that certain places, at certain times in history, have contributed disproportionately toward making the world a better place. In this book forum, Chelsea Follett will discuss her debut book that tells the story of 40 of those places, ranging in diversity from ancient Athens to Song‐​era Hangzhou to post–World War II New York. She will note some common themes that have emerged, including that most cities reach their creative peak during periods of peace, tend to be highly populated, and thrive during times of social, intellectual, and economic freedom, as well as openness to intercultural exchange. Noting that change is a constant, but progress is not, she suggests in her book that studying the past can teach us about fostering innovation in the present. Jack Goldstone will provide insights into the historical causes of progress and prosperity.

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