The Clean Economy Revolution Will Be Unionized

The United States faces enormous opportunity to launch a clean energy-driven economic recovery that supports millions of well-paying union jobs, confronts environmental injustice, and prevents the worst impacts of climate change. On March 31, President Joe Biden released the American Jobs Plan calling for major job-creating public investments in clean energy industries, clean infrastructure, and […]

Beyond Medication

Join the conversation on Twitter using #HumanizingHIVResponse. On July 13, 2010, the Obama administration released the National HIV/AIDS Strategy (NHAS), the nation’s first comprehensive road map to address the HIV epidemic. The strategy provided concrete goals on reducing new transmissions and increasing access to prevention, treatment, and care. A decade later, the Trump administration released the […]

Student Voice in Federal Policymaking

Join the conversation on Twitter using #StudentVoiceInPolicy. As of 2018, there were 53.1 million K-12 students in the United States. Despite students under the age of 18 comprising the largest population of educational stakeholders and being among the most affected by education policy decisions, they are rarely included in education governance at any level. Federal policymakers […]

Commemorating the 31st Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act

This month marks the 31st anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the landmark federal legislation that provided basic civil rights protections for disabled people. Yet over the past year, the United States has seen incredible inequities amplified by the pandemic, which have resulted in hundreds of thousands of disabled people dying in hospitals and congregate […]

Tax Fairness in Reconciliation

With the Senate having passed the bipartisan infrastructure bill and now the reconciliation resolution, Democrats in the Senate will lead on finally bringing fairness back to the tax code as part of President Joe Biden’s agenda to “Build Back Better.” Extreme income and tax inequality have held back economic growth for years, and Americans overwhelmingly […]

Closing the Medicaid Coverage Gap

Among the historic health care investments in President Joe Biden’s Build Back Better agenda is a plan to close the Medicaid coverage gap. Today, about 2.2 million people with family incomes below the federal poverty level—most of whom are people of color—are uninsured because they live in states where policymakers continue to block Medicaid expansion. Ensuring […]

Climate Change and the Judiciary

Join the conversation on Twitter using #EnvironmentalJudges. The current state of America’s judiciary represents a major threat to pro-environmental efforts. In recent years, due in large part to former President Donald Trump’s judicial appointees, far-right legal theories have flourished and extremist judges are bolstering efforts to dismantle and block environmental protections. Furthermore, the courts are stacked […]

The Future of Testing

In a recent series, the Center for American Progress examined how assessments in public schools can become effective instruments that help measure whether schools and educators are meeting student needs and educational goals. Join the Center for American Progress as we continue the conversation around the future of testing in education. A panel of education experts […]

Transitioning to a Nature-Centered Global Economy

Attendees outside the United States, please bookmark this page to tune in to the livestream. Join the conversation on Twitter using #NatureCenteredEconomy. In its role as the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) host and global climate leader, the United Kingdom commissioned an independent review of the economics of biodiversity. Published earlier this year, the Dasgupta Review found […]

Climate Disclosure Standards

We would love to hear your questions. Please submit any questions for our distinguished panel via email at or on Twitter using #ClimateDisclosureStandards. Live captioning will be available on Zoom and on the YouTube livestream. As evidence continues to mount that climate change poses significant financial and environmental threats to companies, and as calls for climate and racial […]

Toward Stronger and Fairer Tax Enforcement

Under the status quo, the United States will lose about $7 trillion in revenue over the next 10 years from taxes that are owed but not paid, largely from the wealthiest Americans. Over the past decade, the IRS’ ability to enforce the tax laws has been severely diminished by budget cuts and staff attrition, and the […]

Making Progress for LGBTQI+ Gen Z

As of 2020, young people between the ages of 18 and 24 (Generation Z) make up around 20 percent of the U.S. adult population. This generation is entering adulthood and the job market facing unique social and economic challenges, among them increased discrimination on the basis of gender identity and sexuality. A recent nationally representative survey conducted […]

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