IMF Surcharges: A Necessary Tool or Counter-Productive Obstacle to a Just and Green Recovery?

Surcharges have become the IMF's largest source of revenue and have added billions to the debt of states struggling to respond to the Covid-19 pandemic. This session explored whether they are necessary or, as some states claim, discriminatory and at odds with the IMF's stated objective of assisting member countries to protect the most vulnerable […]

Great Powers and One Planet: Faultline, Key Issues, and Common Challenges

From climate change to global public health, from inclusive development and sustainable growth, areas for cooperation abound between the US and China in a world hungry for directions and leadership. If, as Martin Luther King says, we may arrive in different ships, but we are in same boat”, how might the US and China work […]

What Really Happened in Bolivia’s 2019 Elections? Experts Share Their Findings

A panel event at the Organization of American States (OAS) hosted by the Permanent Missions to the OAS of the Plurinational State of Bolivia, the Republic of Argentina and the United States of Mexico. Panelists: Moderated by Kathryn Ledebur, Andean Information Network  The three panelists - Johnston, Rodríguez and Williams - shared their analysis of what […]

Promoting Equity & Accountability in IMF Special Drawing Rights

Join the International Budget Partnership and its co-sponsors for a timely virtual event on promoting accountability in the use of Special Drawing Rights (SDRs). On August 23, 2021, the IMF allocated a historical $650 billion worth of SDRs to its member states, to help countries tackle the economic impact from COVID-19. Although SDRs allocations in […]

How COVID Unraveled the World and How to Rebuild it

Join the Economics Ambassadors for a panel discussion to reflect on the intense first phase of the crisis, to think about the current state of affairs, and to envision full recovery. As a prompt for discussion, consider the Wall Street Journal documentary "The Month Coronavirus Unraveled American Business." Watch it prior to the panel discussion […]

WTO: Those Reforms are Needed

At the eve of 12th Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organisation, Jeronim Capaldo will present the reform proposals he co-authored for the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD). Deborah James and Sanya Reid Smith will share with us the demands for change articulated by the large civil society network Our World Is […]

Brazil’s 2022 election: Lula’s return vs Bolsonaro’s anti-democratic agenda

With elections under a year away, Bolsonaro has been ramping up threats against democracy and the electoral system. The far-right President has openly said that he will claim fraud if he loses, and that "only god" can remove him from power. We must show the far-right in Brazil that the world is watching, and support […]

Argentina y América Latina ante las negociaciones con el Fondo Monetario Internacional

Programa 10.00 horas Argentina – Mesa de apertura:Consuelo Silva (Chile)Pablo Vommaro (CLACSO)Representantes de las organizaciones convocantes  10.30 horas Argentina –  MESA 1:Andrés Arauz (Ecuador)José Ignacio de Mendiguren (Argentina)Horacio Rovelli (Argentina)Hugo Yasky (Argentina) Moderación: Felisa Miceli (Argentina) 12.00 horas – MESA 2:Ricardo Aronskind (Argentina)Christian Castillo (Argentina)Martín Lousteau (Argentina) a confirmarNoemi Levy (México) Moderación: Jorge Marchini (Argentina) Co-organizan Grupo de Trabajo CLACSO Integración regional y unidad latinoamericana […]

Global COVID Response: Lessons Learned and Next Steps

Action Corps, Advocacy Network for Africa and the Global COVID Response Coalition This event will showcase the U.S. grassroots and faith-based organizing around the Global COVID Response Campaign for International Monetary Fund’s (IMF) Special Drawing Rights (SDRs), a financial resource that may particularly help lower-income countries. The theme will cover the coalition’s accomplishments, which include […]

Human Rights Watch Reacts: Biden Moves to Split 7 Billion in Frozen Afghan Funds

On Friday, Human Rights Watch (HRW) and humanitarian groups responded to a presidential Executive Order and White House statement on Afghanistan that appeared to affirm the current US policy of confiscating more than $7 billion in assets that Afghanistan’s Central Bank has on deposit in the United States.

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